
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Everything is so new.....

My last post I shared some of the hard, and yes we still have those moments daily but I really want to tell you about the SWEET.

The bursting with joy moments.

I remember when Aidan and Mia were born---all their "firsts" were so sweet!

First smile, word, tooth, first favorite food, learning to crawl, walk, run, skip, hop.

Aidan and I had these dance parties that are forever sealed in my memory.  Whenever Laurie Berkner would come on TV he would stop what he was doing and find me for a little dance party in the living room. We would shout "BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ!" to her song about bees. Or ramble the words to "Victor Vito" as fast as we could.

If you have preschoolers and you don't know Laurie Berkner--you are missing out! Look it up!


Our boys came to us with mouthfuls of teeth. With scars. With many years of life, and experiences that I missed. I had this feeling for a while that I may never know how they got the scars, or how old they were when they lost their first tooth.

It kind of bummed me out. Moms love the "firsts." I am no exception.

But as I have been reflecting I realize we have had so many "firsts." They just look different than the path of a biological family. This doesn't make me any less of a mother---just a different kind. One who is trying my best to meet them where they are at.

So let me tell you....

Forks and spoons: New! They weren't used to using cutlery, but they have got it now!

Bikes: Neither of the boys had ever rode a bike before. They had learned after being home for less than a week. Manye learned in two days!

First Icecream, hamburger, fries.....all a hit!

They love our dog! They were terrified at first but now embrace him entirely.

First Thanksgiving: They loved the "Feast." We shared our traditions of giving thanks, and rejoiced in God's provision.

Can I just tell you for a second how my heart nearly burst giving Abiti a bath for the first time? It happened about a week ago. We have done showers up till this point and I thought---this kid needs to experience a bath.

So I tried to coax him.   He looked at me like I was insane. You want me to SIT in there?!?!?!   Mia suggested color change tablets and lots of bubbles, and Abiti jumped into his first ever PURPLE bath.

 He screamed. He giggled. He dunked his face under water, over and over again. " Look Mom, Look!!! "....  "Oh, Wow! WATER!"

Sheer JOY.

That's when it happened. My heart almost burst.  There is much to be learned from these kids. 

Maybe I should throw a party every time the bath spits out warm water. Water is so precious....

How about that self control thing?

 Well I am happy to report that the "punch first and ask questions later" is beginning to make an exit. We still have our moments, but they are learning they have a voice and words can be a powerful tool when we choose to use them.  I think this has to be my favorite. Teaching a child from a hard place that THEY have a voice---and there are people who want to hear from them....

Which brings me to....

Favorite phrases:

"Stop it!!"  Can't say this is always my favorite since I have heard it so frequently---but let me tell you the significance.  These two little words keep them from punching each other constantly. They use it communicate " I am uncomfortable."  So as you can imagine---these words mean alot to them.

"Me, I LOVE" is a Manye phrase. He is very vocal about his likes....and I am happy to tell you, that I have found myself on the "Me, I love list" a little more often these days.

"Oh, my goodness" Abiti loves to use this one all the time.

"Oh, WOW!" Another Abiti favorite....this kid finds joy in the little things and looks at the world with eyes of wonder. Mia absolutely loves hearing the "Oh, wow!"

"No." Again---not always my favorite....but an important word so I will thank God for it.

We have had a week of such amazing highs---looking at the world through the eyes of these children.

When we get a glimpse of who these little guys really are it makes the bad days easier to get through. The storms are still coming, but we are getting to know our boys as the walls come down.

I can't wait to see what the Lord does with these Abiti, Manye, Aidan and Mia who are all learning a growing together. They are a vocal bunch who just might make a big mark on this world one day----and I get to be their Mom.


Unknown said...

This post was so awesome. You guys are doing awesome and God s equipping you every step of the way! Love you!

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