
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Africa?

I love Africa.....

Not because I feel like I saved the world after a visit.

But because I feel like Africa saved me.

      For many of you wondering why we have chosen to adopt from Africa, the truth is Africa chose us. The people in Ethiopia are so warm, and so generous.  All of the education in the world could not have taught me the simple lessons I have learned there. 

 Material possessions mean nothing without community, without love,  and without the joy that comes from knowing the Lord.

 I want to dance like them. 

I want to love my neighbor like them. 

I want to worship like them.

I want to partner with them.

And most of all---I want you to know about the Africa that you won't see on CNN.

Monday, August 20, 2012


I  love this video!

This summer I began work with World Vision as a Child Ambassador! My goal is to find sponsors for 100 children this year! If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child, please email me for more information! Our family sponsors a little boy in Kenya, who is Aidan's age and a little girl in India who is Mia's age. We just love the updates and letters we get from our sponsored children!

When I grow up....

When I grow up.....

I want to be more like my kids. 

They see beauty in everything.

They laugh non-stop.

They accept others with open arms, hugs and high fives.

They dance.

They wake up singing.

They make art.

They find treasures.

They love with reckless abandon.

They never stop learning.

They are always exploring.

They make me smile.

They play with cardboard boxes.

They make mud pies.

They skip.

They love the Lord.

They are mine.

I will love them always.

Adoption Guilt

       There are more than a few things that I haven't expected about the adoption process. Beyond the ridiculous amounts of paperwork for things such as: Proving my dog is up on his vaccinations, and a letters from our doctors stating that we are not insane ( HA!) The one thing that I was not prepared for was the guilt.

  This guilt comes in many forms, so let me explain. From the moment you decide you are adopting everything in your life becomes about tackling this seemingly insurmountable task.  Getting the home study completed, your adoption training, the paperwork, and I will say it again the paperwork! Money soon becomes the central focus of accomplishing these goals. Let me just say; I hate money. I am not a money person. If I could live life without it, I would.

        Now it seems like money is all I think about, and of course worry about. No one told me that I would obsess about every penny I spend and feel guilty for every day purchases.

That hamburger at the drive thru now brings about thoughts of starving children. My cozy bed brings thoughts of people huddled at night on dirt floors. The list goes on........

 About a month ago I came home from Kohls. I got some really great deals! I really needed a pair of shorts and a couple of shirts because lets face it, I have packed on a few pounds since the beginning of this process. My purchase totaled $50.71. Big deal right?


I came home. Tucked my two beautiful kids into bed, and thought about my daughter on the other side of the world.  That's when it hit me.

My daughter in Ethiopia, has one outfit. Just one. I somehow, needed more. More than my overflowing closet!!

I could have saved that money. I could have put it in my adoption account! Why do I always need more? There are people who have nothing! When is enough, enough?

How does the Lord put up with me? Why am I so selfish?

I had a mini meltdown on my back porch. Lot's of tears and crying out to the Lord.

Tom looked like a deer in headlights. I think he thought for sure that I was headed to a padded cell somewhere!

  He hugged me, and told me " We still have to live our lives, God loves us and doesn't want you to feel this way." We prayed together and he comforted me the best he could. It made sense. After all, HIS mercies are new every morning! This did not however, stop the wave of tears. You see--I have prayed that dangerous prayer.

"Lord, break my heart for the things that break yours."

I didn't actually consider what it feels like to have your heart break. I didn't know what would happen when these two world collide. A world of plenty and a world of squalor.

 It's a lot to process. It is hard knowing that your child is alone, and doesn't have a mom to cuddle or shoes that fit. The guilt keeps creeping in. But I am a child of God's and I know that he doesn't want me to beat myself up. HE loves me, and wants me to be full of the joy that comes from knowing HIM. I will claim the joy of the Lord every morning. It won't be easy. But my God is good and full of grace......and I will cling to his promises.

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Psalm 45:7
You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Adoption Fundraisers!

Check out these awesome MudLove bands! You can purchase one today to support our adoption! They are $10 each with $2 shipping. They say: Redeemed, Carpe Diem, Set Free and Yahweh.
We also have necklaces! Email me with your order!

You can also support our adoption by purchasing fair trade coffees and gifts at Just Love


You can purchase a shirt at Ordinary Hero!! They have an amazing line of quality clothing, all to benefit families who are adopting or groups going on mission trips.  During the check out process you will select a fundraising affiliate, please click on Nicole Schmidt in order for our family to receive credit!

Thank you for supporting our adoption!!!!

Crazy kind of love....

A little over a year ago I felt the Lord challenging me to go on a church sponsored mission trip to Haiti. I decided to take that challenge, unaware that it would literally change the course of my life forever.
Before Haiti, I was passionate about poverty and I was working with several ministries that address domestic hunger and poverty. I thought about people in poverty overseas but it was not a personal conviction. That all changed the day we saw a mother who had given birth in the street, while walking to a hospital in premature labor. The baby was very small and was left in the street to die. I can still remember the blood on the dirt road, and how small that baby was. This is an excerpt from my journal. “... it takes less than two hours to travel from Miami to Haiti. That would have never happened in Miami or anywhere else in America, for that matter! I am an American…I am privileged... I got lucky. That baby did not ask to be born in Haiti. I am angry---a burning anger that will not go away. I know God is even more angry about these injustices than I am. I bet God is wondering where his people are ... how we can allow these things to persist!”
I felt strongly that the Lord had something for me beyond those 7 days in Haiti. I left there amazed at the beauty and resilience of the Haitian people. There are so many artists and craftsmen in that country with no one to sell their products to. I felt the Lord showing me that these people need partners. They need Christians – people of affluence, willing to partner with them and build on their unique strengths and weaknesses. But like so many times in the past when I felt the Lord moving, I asked, “Ok Lord, but how?”
My husband Tom and I had been praying about adoption for a little over a year before Haiti, trying to decide if we would adopt domestically or abroad. We inquired about adoption in Haiti, but soon realized that we do not meet the minimum age requirements. Two weeks after my trip to Haiti, we moved to Beulah Beach and joined the ministry team there, placing adoption on the back burner.
In November of 2011, I met with Terina Dutton, from Heavenly Hope Ministries. I shared with her my new passion for women and children in third world countries, and my vision to find partners for them. If these women could learn some skills and be given a market to sell their products, their lives, and the lives of their families, would be forever changed. They would have hope, something they now know nothing about. Amazingly, Terina shared that God had given her that same vision!  We then began to pray that the Lord would show us our next steps.

In January, we received word from the Dutton’s ministry partners in Ethiopia that there was another nonprofit organization that had pledged to work with a group of women making jewelry. They had some financial difficulties and were unable to continue working with the women who were already meeting at Heavenly Hope Ministries Orphanage! We knew this was not a coincidence, so we stepped into this perfect scenario and began “Project Tesfa”!

We got our plane tickets, collected supplies and flew to Ethiopia.  It was amazing to see God show up every step of the way. We are currently working with 10 women there ... they make jewelry and other items that we bring back to the States to sell. The women are paid based on Fair Trade guidelines, and are given the opportunity to learn about Jesus through discipleship. They are also able to receive a bonus of flour and cooking oil each month for visiting and caring for the elderly in their community.
When I was in Ethiopia, I met a six year old little girl named Getese. She was not living in an orphanage but spending most of her time on her own. Getese attended a sponsorship program of Heavenly Hope Ministries to worship and receive a meal each day. She reminded me so much of my own daughter, Mia. When I returned home I couldn’t sleep ... the Lord had put this child on my heart in such a big way. Everyday I would wake up and wonder if she was ok and if she had enough food to eat. I spent many nights in tears. Tom shared the burden and decided we had to do something!

So we did. We not only found Getese on the streets in Ethiopa, but are now in the process of adopting her! This is a huge step of faith for us! We are trusting that the Lord will continue to provide for us financially and spiritually every step of the way! Tom and I live on a relatively small ministry income, but we know our Father in Heaven owns everything. Adoption is too expensive for us—but not for God! We hope that God will use our family as a testimony to His goodness and grace when we simply trust HIM! We want to love the way HE loves. We know that God loves orphans and widows, so that means that the Schmidt family will too!  

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Proverbs 31:8-9 ESV Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth and judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

James 1:27 NIV   Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

We hope that you will pray for us and consider partnering with us in the following ways:
-- Purchase Cooking Oil & Flour for a widow in Ethiopia - $100 a year.
-- Donate to “Project Tesfa” - Checks can be made payable to Heavenly Hope Ministries;  Memo line – “Project Tesfa" Or at 
-- Host a “Project Tesfa” Party in your home or church
-- Collect Beads or other jewelry making materials to donate
-- Make a donation to the Schmidt Adoption Fund

Blessings! And ... if you ever have a chance to go on a mission trip—GO! Who knows how God could use it to change YOUR life for His glory!