
Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day......Everyday.

The sun is shining!

The birds are chirping!

My coffee is steamy and delicious, and it's a beautiful morning. 

Mornings like this often bring my thoughts to someone very special in my life, my cousin Andrew. Andrew is a few years younger than me, and has been given many labels over the years.  Some say he has a learning disability or call him disabled. I have also heard him called by much more demeaning labels....

If you know me, you know that I HATE labels. People are so beautiful, and when we label them we put them in a little box and limit who they are.  That being said, there is one label that doesn't bother me so much when it comes to Andrew.

Special Needs.

Stay with me.....

Andrew is most definitely special,because he wakes up each and every day and calls the day beautiful. Andrew has encountered his share of ugly and mean people in this world but his perspective remains.

Each day is beautiful.

He has always known each day is a gift. That God created beauty.

When I was about 16, I remember Andrew coming outside with me and being so excited about the fresh cut grass in the yard.     

"Cozy, look at this grass!!" He said, picking up a hand full.  I laughed, but then I really looked.

It was beautiful....soft on my feet, with that fresh cut smell. I jumped up and grabbed his hand......"Grass! Look at this grass!!!"    I shouted.  
I picked up a handful and tossed it in the air, and Andrew was happy to join me.

We danced, and sang---throwing handfuls of grass in the air.

I am sure the neighbors thought we were nuts, but it was a beautiful day.

Andrew is special because he can see the needs of people.  I guess that's why the term special needs doesn't rub me quite as raw as the other labels.

On Easter, Andrew approached me and said: "Cozy, I cannot wait to meet your sons!  He was looking at the pictures we had of them out on the table.   As he was looking at them he said: " They look just like you Cozy.....they have your eyes." 

To Andrew,some of the hardest questions in life are the easiest to answer because he answers in love, and according to the needs of those around him.

 I don't even know how he does it.

I believe it is a gift from the Lord.

He can see the needs of those around him.   He saw my need, and answered in love.

My two chocolate boys look just like me. They have my eyes.

Andrew is dreaming right now of going to Shepherds College. He has been accepted, and I couldn't be more proud. He is going to be a Chef.  He needs some help getting there, so I hope you will join me in praying that the Lord will make a path to get him there.

This June, in Tiffin Ohio there will be a "Beautiful Day 5k" in his honor. All of the proceeds will go to his college fund.

I am out of shape, but I will be there! I will be there because EVERYDAY IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!  Andrew is so special to me, and to our family.....he is one of the greatest gifts our family has ever received.

I hope you will join us in celebrating this new chapter in his life!


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