
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jen Hatmaker - The Election: Thoughts From a Christian Independent


 During this election season, I, like many of you are struggling with the non-stop political banter.

    And this is coming from me---a self declared political junkie.

    I am watching my Christian friends act as if the world depends solely on this current election alone.

 I struggle to find a balance between being an advocate for issues that I think are important, while at the same time remembering not to take all of the politics too seriously.

Afterall, there is only one power that really matters in the end, and it is the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever wins---God already knew they would. It is not beyond HIS control and all things will work according to HIS purposes.

       I have had many friends question me for not swearing alligence to any particular party. I struggle with a way to answer them without sounding too harsh. The truth is--it doesn't matter. And while I do vote, and also advocate for many issues, I do not believe our government is the answer to every problem we have.

But today, I came across this article and it was so great I had to share. It really articulates alot of my same feelings about politics and Christians.

Check it out! I hope you read it with an open heart.
Jen Hatmaker - The Election: Thoughts From a Christian Independent


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